At church some folks asked me how I felt about Leandria Johnson's videos. I simply replied, "I ain't got time for Leandria!" I just watched a few moments from each video. I understand but I don't excuse either.
Look here, if you want to do something with your life, than do it! Nobody can hold you back or hold you down but yourself! It doesn't matter what anyone says about you, if you feel you have a purpose to do something, then forge ahead and keep it moving! Especially when you're standing at the threshold of opportunity and blessings. And furthermore, you don't have to compromise your faith, your values, or your morality in the process.
Just because you see with your mortal eyes the success of others who got to where they are using the road of instability and greed doesn't mean you get to judge them because you decided not to do the same. It's hard to do, but pray for your enemies! Pray for those folks that use you despitefully! Pray for those who attack you! Do good for your haters! If they're hungry for gossip, feed them with kindness. If they thirst for rumours about you, quench it with blessings.
God puts you in certain places and certain perdicaments with certain people, not to harm you but to set you up for success. We are being tested in our faith daily! Even more these days because we are constantly bombarded with messages that aim to destroy the hope and faith that abides within us. We as believers have to be able to see with our spiritual eyes, be guided by the Holy Spirit, and then meditate and listen for an answer.
Lastly, there is power in the words that you say. Are you speaking words of life or death? Positivity or negativity? Love or Hate? Are blessings proceeding out of your mouth or just a litany of curse words? Don't take so lightly the things said in high emotional splurges. The words that we say are linked to our thoughts and the intent in our hearts. Once it's said, you can't take it back. You can apologize, you can repent, but there is a cost to pay. Moses never got to enjoy the Promised Land because he spoke negatively of God's people. How can God take you to the next level when the words that you speak aren't coming from a place of love & respect?
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