May 23, 2017

Singles & Singleness: Seeing Ourselves Through God's Eyes

Was reading a short article in the June 2017 Essence and it really ministered to me. Sometimes God puts you in a place where  you don't want to be in order to sequester you to hear and start digesting His Word in you. In my case, I'm stuck in jury duty for the time being. So here's what God has put in my spirit today for the single women and men, including myself. 

God wants us to know that there is a special place in His heart for the singles in the Body of Christ. He wants us to know for sure that every tear, frustration, pain, heartbreak, heartache, feelings of confusion, anxiety, loneliness and rejection, are felt, seen, and heard. He understands and wants us to remember that we are friends of God. We have been chosen and appointed to bear everlasting fruit, so whatever you ask in the name of the Father, He may give it to us John 15:15-16.

When we view singleness as a "problem" instead of being sacred, we will constantly devalue ourselves based upon the ideals of others. God's love and love for ourselves should be the way we define our worth in the world. God's word affirms in us that we have value! In fact, we were bought with a price by God! We are not to be enslaved by the thoughts and opinions of the world 1 Corinthians 7:23! The way God sees us is not based upon what or who we think are, what we have done, or our current state in life. God knows the plans He has for us! Plans for us to prosper and not to harm us, plans that give us hope and an expected end Jeremiah 29:11! Everything that is happening in your life right now may not be easy. It may not feel comfortable and it may not be the plan you had for your life, but know right now, that GOD MAKES ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR THE GOOD OF THEM WHO LOVE HIM Romans 8:28!

Keep affirming to yourself through God's word and begin seeing yourself through God's eyes!

You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God! Genesis 1:27 & Psalm 139:4

Your faith makes you whole in spirit, soul, and body! Mark 5:34

You live by faith, not by sight! 2 Corinthians 12:7

God meets all of your needs! Philippians 4:16

God keeps you in perfect peace because your mind is fixed on Him! Isaiah 26:3

You have the anointing of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. He teaches you truth and empowers me to live a full life! 1 John 2:27

Because you seek the Lord with all your heart, you will lack no good thing! Psalm 34:10

God pours out his love into your heart by the Holy Spirit! Romans 5:5

Because you write love and faithfulness on the tablet of your heart you have favor with God! Proverbs 3:3

The “fullness of God” is available you because you am deeply rooted in the love of Christ! Ephesians 3:17-19